We will arrange for a prompt resolution on a case-by-case basis, depending on the needs of the situation.
Unfortunately fragile items are sometimes damaged in transit to your location. In order to ensure a safe delivery and full satisfaction of your light fixture, we ask that you carefully examine all of your items and their respective parts individually once they arrive so that any damages can be properly reported and resolved.
Please note that all of our fixtures are installed and lit up once prior to shipping to you in order to ensure functionality and quality. Evidence of an install should be expected and will not qualify for a Damage claim. Damages/ imperfections that are internal or do not show once the fixture is fully assembled may not qualify for a damage claim.
To report a damaged or missing item please follow the instructions below:
1. Prior to reporting a missing or damaged item, please speak with all team members and contractors to be sure items have not been misplaced or damaged during installation.
2. Email info@vault-light.com or call (888) 399-9905 to open a claim, and detail the issues. Please include all affected parts and detail the quantity of each affected part
3. You must provide photos of any damages, along with photos of the product packaging.
I most cases we're able to repair damages or send replacement parts. When this is the case, we reserve the right to use this as a solution rather than replace an entire fixture, or refund the full amount of the fixture.